Join us for an engaging discussion with other industry professionals to explore a range of structural and envelope-related design strategies to reduce embodied carbon.
We will start off with a presentation that highlights a range of design strategies to reduce embodied carbon gathered from a range of reports and resources. This presentation will seed the group discussions focused on the following three broad categories of design strategies:
Structure - Concrete and Steel
Structure - Wood
Building Envelope
Everyone will then split into three groups based on their interest and/or expertise, with each group focusing on one of these categories. As a group, you will discuss and share relevant perspectives on the range of design strategies as well as relevant considerations in implementing these strategies on projects. Each group will have a facilitator to help guide the discussions and a note-taker to capture key points discussed.
Afterward, we will bring everyone back together and have each group briefly present the key ideas discussed, as well as engage the rest of the attendees in a further discussion. The aim of these discussions is to dive deeper into specific design strategies and learn from each other on how we might successfully implement them on projects.
6:00 pm - Mingling
6:30 pm - Presentation by Eric Corey Freed, Sustainability Disruptor at Morrison Hershfield
6:45 pm - Presentation on Potential Embodied Carbon Reduction Strategies
7:15 pm - Split into 3 groups to discuss each category of solutions
7:45 pm - Whole group discussion on all 3 categories
9:00 pm - Finish
We are very grateful to Morrison Hershfield for hosting this event at their office as well as sponsoring food and drinks.
Location: Morrison Hershfield Office, Suite 310, 4321 Still Creek Drive, Burnaby BC
Note: It is a 10-minute walk from the Gilmore Skytrain Station. Free parking around the building is available starting at 6 pm.
About ECN Vancouver:
Note that we were formerly known as the Embodied Carbon Catalyst. We are now proud to become a local chapter of the Embodied Carbon Network, which is a network of 500+ members from 20+ countries focused on reducing and ultimately phasing out emissions from building and construction materials. This network has many of the leading experts around the world who are addressing embodied carbon within the building industry. Learn more about ECN Vancouver and sign up for the mailing list to be notified of future events on our website: